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Touring: Gold Coast: April 28th – May 1st
Body type: Petite
Bust: C to D
Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Green
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Fly me to you: Gold Coast
Body type: Curvy
Bust: B to C
Hair colour: Brunette
Eye colour: Blue
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Touring: Gold Coast: March 6th – 7th
Age: 52
Body type: BBW
Bust: DD to F
Hair colour: Brunette
Eye colour: Blue
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Fly me to you: Gold Coast
Age: 29
Body type: Petite
Bust: DD to F
Hair colour: Brunette
Eye colour: Brown
Find escorts on the Gold Coast offering dinner dates
If you enjoy the relaxed, unhurried, romantic setting of a dinner date, you may also be interested in companions who offer similar services such as overnight stays, social outings, companionship and cuddling and affection.
Dakota Dice escorts are verified and independent. We showcase only the finest private companions Australia has to offer.
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