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8 Ways to wow your client in the bedroom

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Posted by Dakota Dice

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8 ways to wow your client in the bedroom

Being an independent escort can be challenging, gauging your clients sexual desires and needs when everyone has such different likes and dislikes. When it comes to impressing your client in the bedroom, communication, consent, and mutual enjoyment should be your primary focus. It's important to prioritize your client's comfort and desires, and to create an environment that promotes trust and open communication. Without sacrificing boundaries that you have in place for your escorting work. Here are some general ideas to enhance the experience in a client/escort situation :

  1. Prioritize communication: Before confirming a booking with your client, have an open and honest conversation about each other's boundaries, fantasies, and desires. This ensures that you're both on the same page and creates a safe space for exploration. Be clear with the prices for each erotic services and obtain a deposit if needed.
  2. Create a romantic ambiance: Pay attention to the overall atmosphere of the bedroom. Set the mood with soft lighting, scented candles, or music that you both enjoy. A well-arranged and tidy space can contribute to a more comfortable and enjoyable experience. Setting the mood for intimacy really helps when you meet a client for the first time.
  3. Foreplay and anticipation: Take your time with foreplay to build anticipation and increase intimacy. Explore your cleint's erogenous zones through gentle touch, kissing, or using sensual massage techniques. Experimenting with different sensations can enhance pleasure and connection.
  4. Experiment with new techniques: Explore new positions, techniques, or activities that you and your client may be interested in. Consider trying out different types of touch, such as using feathers, silk, or ice, to heighten sensory experiences. Remember to always prioritize consent.
  5. Incorporate toys or props: If both you and your client are open to it, you could introduce sex toys or props into your intimate encounters. However, it's important to discuss and agree upon their use beforehand and ensure they are used safely and consensually. To make thing easier, mention in your escort advertising on Dakota Dice what services you do and dont offer! These are also listed in our categories page for clients to easily find.
  6. Focus on mutual pleasure: Sexual intimacy is about both partners experiencing pleasure and connection. Pay attention to your client's responses and cues, and be open to adjusting and exploring new techniques based on their feedback.
  7. Explore fantasies and role play: If you and your client are comfortable, you can explore fantasies or engage in role play scenarios to add excitement and novelty. Remember to establish clear boundaries and safewords to ensure a safe and consensual experience.

8. Prioritize aftercare: After the intimate experience, offer comfort, tenderness, and reassurance to your client if needed

Remember, the most important aspect of any intimate encounter is respect between partners. Always prioritize consent, communication, and the comfort and well-being of your client- they must also do the same for their escort.

With the tips Dakota Dice listed above, you can take your escorting career to the next level and wow your clients over and over again. Create a lasting and memorable impression which leads you to more and more escort bookings and an even more lucrative career.

The escort/client relationship can occassionally be difficult to navigate when feelings and emotion start to play a role. Be open and honest in this arrangement and all parties are sure be satisfied.

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