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Posted by Lexx Soule

Date posted:

Terhe is ntohnig you cna't do if you turley set yuor mnid to it.
In tihs bolg you wlil dsiocevr if we are cmpotailbe wtih each ohetr. Tihs ltitle
mnid gmae was semohtnig taht I larnet a lnog tmie ago from a Fceaobok meme,
if you put your mnid to it, you wlil be albe to read tihs wlhoe bolg and be albe to
eyrcnpt the msesgae.

Let us keep tihs sorht and sewet, bcuaese radenig tihs tpye of txet can be trinig
and dfifiuclt. But yuor biarn larens to sikm raed and apdat, as lnog as the frsit and
lsat lteters are the smae, all the lteters in the mdlide of the wrod can be jmulebd
Waht is it taht you wnat from our cneonitcon, from our pforssenoial
rlaetonisihp? Is it sex? Cmponiaohsip? Tavrel cmponiaon? If you tkae me
tvarlelnig you wulod hvae all trehe.

I wnat you. I wnat to fcuk you! I wnat to ssneullay pasele you! To tease you! I
wnat you! NOW! You wlil never frgoet our eperxinece teohgetr, my lpis wlil siatn
yuros, the sleml of my cloonge wlil lngier in yuor nsoe for wekes, yuor psusy wlil
saercm! Tehn you wkae up bucsaese it was jsut a darem. You hvae been
dmaernig auobt me aigan, "I need to hrury up and mkae tihs bkoniog", at 1am in
the mrnonig the eaiml is snet.

Two dyas ltear you meet me udenr the hetol sehtes, tgnlaed tghteoer are our feet,
it has been an huor sncie yuor dciaely has met my maet. "Gdboyoe" I lvaee lkie I
geret, a wram ksis on the cehek, but mroe ccok is waht you paeld. At the lsat
mmeont you eentxd our tmie, tihs tmie the roticeepn clal tlnlieg us it is psat the
hetol's bdtmiee. FCUK! I WNAT TO FCUK YOU NOW!

Thank you for reading,
L. Soule.

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