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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E6 (Yasmin)

Posted by Lexx Soule

Date posted:

Before continuing I recommend visiting my website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 6 (Yasmin), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode).


Yasmin is a young twenty-eight-year-old women who broke up with her boyfriend after walking in on an affair one year ago. Since then, she has struggled to build intimate connections with other males; with seven years of trust betrayed she has felt so alone and invaluable. Lexx a thirty-three-year-old escort has heard this scenario all too much; and has a deep empathy for people who experience this; especially when the events take place in couples sacred palaces of love.


Yasmin loves sex; she is a classy girl and will not jump on any old cock. Obviously struggling to establish trust in males she experimented with other females, enjoying the experiences too. Something is missing though; she desires the attention & affection of the masculine from a male counterpart – Lexx Soule's genuine aura was very appealing. Performing a due diligent snoop, she saw that he had a very flirtish sexual energy augmenting his profile, however nothing lubricious. While his profile was face out and quite popular, she had come to the understanding she would rather pay for great company and sex, then waste time with people who did not meet her needs - a good, high value man that will love her unconditionally, is educated, maintains his health, and fulfills her sexual, emotional, and spiritual needs. She does not need a drop dead handsome ten out of ten model – though she would not turn down the opportunity if presented. She just wants a genuinely good gentleman. Speaking with Lexx over SMS she felt comfortable, and sexy; the freedom to leave the arrangement at any moment without saying goodbye added value to the service.


Lexx notifies his client that he is in the hotel lobby, the nerves force an instant reply from the new client "Be right down". A simple hug and kiss on the cheek keep the interaction discreet before they journey up to the four-star suite on floor fifteen. Being extremely nervous Yasmin suggest that the pair sit and enjoy a drink & some fruit first, buying a six pack of guava vodka cruisers to settle the nerves. Little does she know that first encounters have a short grace introduction period to become more acquainted and help both people become comfortable.

"Would you like a cruiser?" her words and actions are permeating anxiety.

"Thank you, but I will just have a glass of water please" Lexx replies nonchalantly as he seats at the round wooden dinner table. "Would you like a cold bottle?" she offers in her nervous reck, "Just tap water for me please" Lexx enjoys room temperature water and seen as there is a fitted filter, he requests the tap water.

"Do I seem nervous? I feel very nervous!" Yasmin paces while setting the table, with nibbles & drink, tinkering with small items like keys, phone, hair, ornaments.

"Yasmin", "Yeah", Take a deep breath and please sit and talk with me" Lexx's voice is soothing, calm, and lead with him taking the cruiser out of her hand, and gently holding her hands, nourishing the space.

Yasmin stops pacing for a second, "you're right, you're right, you're right". *Inhale…… Exhale…….  She reaches for the cruiser and devours half the bottle. Yasmin then seats with Lexx at the table.


"Are guava flavoured cruisers your favourite drink of choice?" Lexx confers calmly.

"Yeah. They take me back to twenty again" Yasmin replies still permeating nerves.

"A good time for you?" Lexx enquiries.

"That was the time I met my ex, I was partying, my friends weren't all getting married and having kids, and life was easy" Yasmin opens.

"Aaahhhh yes, I too am familiar with the partying era of one's young twenty's. Some wild memories. With regards to your friends though, you don't make the opportunity to go out for dinner or do anything social with them?" Lexx maintaining the calmness of the room while learning more about his client.

"Not for the last six months, everyone keeps making plans and then they bail at the last moment or want to rearrange plans" Yasmin confers.

"You know you don't have to be here; you can leave." she un-rationally blurts to Lexx.

Lexx cordially chuckles before replying with repartee "I haven't heard that one before".

"What do you mean?" Yasmin's anxious nerves getting the better of her judgement.

"What I mean is that I am here because you are paying me to be here. I am here because I want to be here. You are a very gorgeous young woman. And look if you tell me to leave and really do want me to leave, I will leave, and I will still be paid for the full two hours" Lexx commands the leadership position with his calm, strong words.

Unfortunately, he has had a handful of clients tell him to leave and that they do not know why they hired him in the first place, all due to nervousness. Lexx has usually only taken half the payment as he feels empathy for their nerves, and understands it is a big investment. Most of those clients re-hired Lexx within the coming weeks, paying him in full as a deposit, and becoming on going clients of Lexx.


"Okay. I'm so sorry! I don't actually think I can do this; you need to leave. I'm so sorry" The anxiety getting the better of Yasmin.


"Okay. Are you really sure that is what you want me to do?" Lexx comfortingly asks.


"I'm sorry! Please leave, you can keep the money. Just please, I'm so sorry!" Unable to make eye contact with her escort, her anxiety continues to emote.


"Okay…" Lexx stands from his seat grabs his belongings and leaves one last message. "Should you change your mind, you may message me. I have a three-strike rule for these scenarios, I will be keeping the full payment today and you will still need to pay a deposit and the hourly rate should you desire re-hiring. You are gorgeous girl. Have a good day Yasmin" Lexx walks for the exit.


Just as he pushes the door handle down, he feels the ground echo, and a hand on his left shoulder pulling him back. Lexx is pushed against the wall "Don't go please! Just take me right now and fuck me like I need!" Yasmins eyes glitter with the desire for Lexx to have his way. He can see her innocence; her soul is screaming for him! Lexx puts his hands to her oblong face and lights the fire of passion with his lips!


Lexx stays and fulfills Yasmin's luscious desire for good, high quality male attention.


*Audio sounds (Thrusts. Claps. M/F moans).


Thank you for reading,
L. Soule.

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