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Dakota Dice offers the ability for all escorts to opt in to receive reviews or to choose not to. If they receive reviews, users have the ability to leave a review by creating a client user and clicking the 'leave review' button on an escorts profile. To create a client user please click here. The review module can easily be turned on or off dependent on personal choice. If the escort review module is turned on, each review submitted to an escorts profile must be approved by the escort prior to going live. This ensures Dakota Dice escorts have complete control over their profile and moderation.
Escort reviews; how much detail?
Reviews or testimonials on an escort profile comes entirely down to personal choice. Some escorts prefer that clients do not leave reviews at all, and this should certainly be respected. If this is the case, the review module will be turned off. However it is always polite practice to ask your escort if they would prefer that you leave them a review or not.
Other escorts may enjoy a well written review of the time shared, it can be a great addition to their profile and help promote business to others. But how much detail should be included? Best practice is to ask the escort for their preferences. We have a few helpful suggestions below if you get stuck.
What to include in an escort review
A subtle, well written and elusive review may be greatly appreciated by your escort. There isn't a need to include every single detail in the review such as their body or in depth descriptions of the intimate and sexual aspects of the booking. Just because an escort is in the business of sex, doesn't mean they would like personal and intimate details shared on an accessable and public platform. Some things are best kept to yourself!
Things to consider when writing a review:
- Did you enjoy their company? This could include conversation, physical attraction or demeanour, their dress sense, how inviting they were, first impressions, how their presence made you feel and their personality.
- Did you enjoy your booking? This could include the sexual aspects of the booking but subtly referenced without including graphic details. We all know a true gentleman never tells...
- Would you see them again? Did you enjoy your time so much that you would re-book? This can be helpful to add to your review.
An example of a review could be something along the lines of:
When I met (name) I was in awe, not only of their beauty and presence but thankful of how relaxed and at ease they made me feel. The conversation was wonderful, and the intimate moments even better, an experience I certainly wont be forgetting. I can't wait to share more time with them in the very near future.
If you would like to include a review with more detail, simply ask! Some escorts may really enjoy and appreciate this. Escort reviews all comes down to personal choice, if you are ever unsure send a quick email or text, the fact you considered to check before posting is appreciated in itself.
To browse Dakota Dice escorts click here.