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Glory of the Golden Shower

Posted by Chasey Devil

Date posted:

Urine Therapy has been around since ancient times.

Ancient Romans, Chinese physicians, and The Romany people all endorsed Urine Therapy for a multitude of ailments - from curing gout, sore throats, and deafness to improving digestive health, eye inflammation, as well as prevention for smallpox. 

The Aztecs and Mayan chief priests would consume peyote and psilocybin, ritually urinate into a bowl and pass this around for others to consume, so they too could feel the psychoactive effects. 

I remember the first time I was asked to indulge a client in piss play. Although I had been anticipating this request for some time, My client (let’s call them C1) wanted to drink it. Not just watch or have it wash over him, but to DRINK it. In his mouth. ALL of it! Well…

The very thought of pissing on someone sounded dirty, gross, and wrong. For a long time I couldn't, WOULDN’T allow myself to stand over someone like that. How humiliating and degrading! At the time, I was a GFE provider, not a Dominatrix – I offered sensual services with lots of kissing and cuddling! So I was a little shocked but also excited to think that someone wanted to drink My pee.

We discussed the desired session over several messages, agreed on a date, and how it would happen. I drank water all day to ensure a good flow that wasn't too concentrated. Good hydration is important when giving a GS, as is what you drink and eat.

Ever notice when you eat broccoli, cabbage, or asparagus that your piss really smells? That's the sulphur compounds found in the brassica family of vegetables, which I try to avoid for pee play. Similarly, caffeine and alcohol are diuretics, which pull water away from the body, are also beverages I avoid. Sure, they may increase the need to urinate, but they’re more likely to make the urine concentrated. But I am digressing… 

The time had come for Me to ‘fill his cup’ – which was actually a champagne glass! But do you think My bladder was co-operating? C1 was standing in the bathroom doorway, waiting for Me to finish so he could consume it whilst it was still warm.

But NOPE!!

As excited as he was to watch it come straight from the source, I had to ask him to leave the room and stand on the other side of the door whilst I squatted in the shower with a champagne flute between My legs, begging My bladder to do what comes naturally. 

He could still hear it. He just couldn’t see it. And My initial stage fright certainly didn’t stop him enjoying My delicious nectar. He sniffed it like a connoisseur, sipped it in delight.

Piss plays an important part in the animal kingdom: male Patagonian Maras (such cute little creatures) mark their female with their urine to repel other males. Female Giraffes secrete pheromones in their urine so when a male wants to mate, he will taste it to determine if she is receptive to sex. Male Capuchin Monkeys will piss in their hands and rub it over their bodies to convey to females they are sexually available. And male Hippopotamus will attract mates by urinating and defecating, whilst spinning their tails to spread their scent. 

We are descendants of apes after all, so why would this practice not be deep-rooted within our monkey brain?  

I found Myself pondering this with another client (C2). He lay beneath Me in a bathtub whilst I stood over him, willing My bladder to release. It was C2’s wish to be pissed on, awash with My urine, and I felt like I was leaving My mark – a scent to let others know that I’d been there, using My pheromones to mark what’s Mine. C2’s anticipation was unmistakeable as he awaited the release of My stream of golden fluid. But, once again, My bladder was shy. I could feel how full she was and as much as I tried, she would not let go. I closed My eyes, thought of running water and still nothing. I really wanted to give C2 the best experience, but My bladder was reluctant. 

He suggested we try while he sat on the toilet, and when I straddled him, My body recognised this more relaxed position. I gave Myself some internal encouragement and asked him to look away. Finally, I was able to give him the one thrill he so longed for. I delivered a sensational finale whilst overcoming My own fears and shame.

As My confidence grew, I found exhilaration and power as I stood over My subjects with a wicked look in My eyes, encouraging them to take it all and not spill one drop. The proud grins on the faces of those who consume and bathe in My piss are almost euphoric, and today Golden Showers/Watersports/Golden Nectar/Piss Play is My favourite activity on offer.

Whether you are new or experienced imbibers of My Goddess Fluid I welcome all to try it… at least once. According to the wisdom of medical folklore, pissing on someone was the nicest thing you could do for them. So there you go, I am being nice. :D 

Do I have you intrigued?

My volume, flow, and timing far surpass the usual and you will be awed by the force at My command, left awash in amazement.

Sundays to Tuesdays you can find Me at Melbourne's illustrious Dungeon:

What are you waiting for?


Hugs & pisses, 

Ms. Chasey

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