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You may have been booking a regular escort you feel you really click with and you may want to know just that little bit more. Or your curiosity may be getting the better of you. Sometimes you may be tempted to ask personal questions or questions regarding other clients. It is really important you respect escort boundaries and are aware of escort etiquette.
Read our blog here on respecting escort boundaries.
Questions NOT to ask an escort in 2022
How many clients do you see in a day?
(or: How many bookings do you have after me)
This information is unnecessary, you are probably asking out of your own curiosity but its best to refrain. Escorts are expert at time management and prepare for every single client, they take on as much work as they see fit/that suits them. Trust they are well prepared for your time together and that's all that matters.
Can I be your first/last client?
You may underestimate this question as being rude, but it is! An escort's schedule isn't any of your business. It is etiquette to simply arrange a time that suits you both, without asking this question.
You may want your escort to be more relaxed and un rushed so this question may not be meant with ill intent. However, it implies you as a client may intend to try and overstay your booking time/ that your escort will be more relaxed with booking time if they don't have a booking after you.
Can you please send me more pictures?/Can you please send photos of your face?
Many escorts use various forms of social media you may visit to view more images also their directory advertising and personal websites allow for ample images. Dakota Dice offers all advertisers a selfie gallery to utilise.
Some escorts are face hidden, this can be for many issues; but the main being privacy and discretion. Please do not ask escorts for images of their face especially if they not not show it in their public advertising.
Do you have a partner outside of this work?
This question is very inappropriate. Escorts have lives outside of their work and their personal information/situation isn't anyones business. Be very mindful and respectful of this. An escort/client relationship is one which you can both enjoy each other's company in a discreet and respectful manner.
What do your parents think of you doing this?
This is question is inappropriate for many reasons, it implies there is inherently something wrong with escorting/ sex work- which there isn't. It may not be meant with judgement, but that is how it may be received.
Do you have a 'real' job?
Escorting is a real job.
What is your real name?
You absolutely do not ever need to know an escorts personal details. Only refer to an escort as their chosen name, unless directed otherwise.
Where do you live/Do you live in your incall?
Asking a broader question about where your escort may live (which State) is just a conversation starter, and generally can be a great topic. It is best not to ask indepth questions about the exact location or if your escort lives in her incall as everyone deserves privacy.
Can we see each other outside of work?
The wonderful relationship built between a client and a sex worker is still a working relationship. Do not ask to see an escort outside of work no matter how tempting!
Can we get dinner before/after work (unpaid)?
Respect your escort's time as work, do not ask for them to allocate unpaid time to you. If you would like to enjoy a dinner date, make a dinner booking next time.
Come on a holiday with me (unpaid)?
As above.
Can I have a discount?
This question implies a level of disrespect. If you wouldn't ask any other service provider (hair dresser, mechanic, etc), do not ask an escort.
Can you provide services you dont list with me?
It is important you read or ask about an escort's services while making your booking, so that you may book a provider that does offer services you would like. It is etiquette to not ask for services they do not provide, especially mid-booking.
How much do you earn?/Do you pay tax?
Any invasive financial question should be avoided. Your escort doesn't ask you invasive financial questions so its best not to ask them.
Sex work is legal in Australia.
Do I have to have a shower?
No matter how clean you think you are, it is polite and standard practice to always shower when asked!