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Why do I do what I do - reason #1

Posted by Felix Escort

Date posted:

Hey Felixxx Fans! 

I hope you're feeling lovely and loved 


So, what might the first reason be for "Why I do what I do"? 

#1 I have a PHD, and I'm not talking about university degrees 

My whole adult life I've been quite sexually active, and since a teenager I was always hit with shock, delight and the 'OMG it's so big' when I pulled my d**k out. 
I've seen a lot of them in my time in the industry and I've grown rather confident that although I don't have the biggest in the world, I do indeed have a PHD. 
Often I'm told what a great size it is, how nice it is, how atheistic and attractive it is, and, if I being honest, I've thought that about myself for a long time. 

confidence is key to this industry, Im pleased to say I have the tools to ultimately satisfy your sexual desires.

That ladies, is reason number 1! 

I would encourage you to see for yourself! I'm offering $50 photos for the duration of this topic, you can get to see if it really is, as big as they say it is. 

message anytime on 0434 049 552

as always, with love



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